2024 Class 9 Sponsors
Sponsors of Thunderdome Tallahassee, Class 9, will further establish the legacy of volunteer lawyers and community leaders offering low-income families help and hope for a more stable home.
At every level, our sponsors provide the needed funds to make this program a tradition in Tallahassee and a model for all Florida Legal Aid programs. Thunderdome Tallahassee supports LAF’s mission to provide civil legal representation and assistance in Leon County to people in need through volunteers and supporters. Your financial gift supports LAF and Thunderdome Tallahassee program and administrative operations, costs, events, etc. which are essential to meeting LAF’s mission and expanding access to justice in our community.
Thunderdome Tallahassee also seeks in-kind partners in the following operational areas:
Media: digital documentation of experiences on video (with client and volunteer consent) to illustrate the impact of civil legal aid on local families and the personal leadership development of participants
Legal Assistance: court reporting, property assessors, parenting evaluators, mediators etc.
Interested sponsors can email Executive Director, Lauren Stafford at lauren@legalaidtallahassee.org or call 850.222.3292.