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We Appreciate Your Support
No matter how you support the Legal Aid Foundation of Tallahassee, you help create equal access to justice. This makes a life-changing difference for low-income citizens in your community.
“Civil legal aid seems so distant. But when you set a fair child support amount, a child has food on the table, a decent roof over their head, school clothes… you name it, these basic needs are what is at stake in a family law case.”
Karen Walker, Partner, Holland & Knight

Donors provide the means for Legal Aid Foundation of Tallahassee to serve our community with pro bono legal assistance, support our volunteers, fund existing programs and new initiatives, and make our office an effective community resource.
Volunteers literally touch the lives of our clients. Legal professionals and students selflessly give their expertise and professional resources to help clients find legal solutions to desperate circumstances. Community members give their time and energy to events and initiatives, serving both clients and the lawyers who help them.
LAF appreciates the financial and mission support of these longtime partners: