How We Support You
Ways Legal Aid Foundation of Tallahassee Provides Support:
Pro Bono Attorney Support
CLE training webinars, expert resources, mentors, law student assistance, and WestLaw access are some of the ways the Legal Aid Foundation of Tallahassee (LAF) supports pro bono attorneys. In addition, pro bono attorneys are covered by LAF’s professional liability insurance when assisting LAF pro bono clients.
Professional Liability Insurance Coverage
LAF’s pro bono attorneys are covered by legal services professional liability insurance when assisting LAF pro bono clients. New pro bono attorneys may also be paired with an expert resource attorney for guidance during the progress of the pro bono case.
Please contact our executive director (lauren@legalaidtallahassee.org) for more information.
Receiving Guidance from Expert Resource Attorneys
Pro bono attorneys provide legal guidance and serve as sounding boards for other pro bono attorneys who are representing LAF pro bono clients. The expert resource attorney is not listed as the primary advocate for the case, but rather supports the pro bono attorney advocate.
Pro bono attorneys may also receive guidance from expert resource attorneys who are ready and willing to provide direction and feedback in specific substantive areas. When a pro bono attorney has agreed to assist a client in a legal matter, the attorney may also request the contact information of an expert resource.
Please contact our executive director (lauren@legalaidtallahassee.org) for more information.
WestLaw Legal Research Access
Pro bono attorneys may receive WestLaw access for legal research pertaining to their LAF pro bono clients’ cases.
Please contact our executive director (lauren@legalaidtallahassee.org) for more information.
Meeting Space
LAF provides Pro bono attorneys meeting space.
Please contact our executive director (lauren@legalaidtallahassee.org) for more information.
Law Student Assistance
A pro bono attorney may be assigned a law student to assist with document preparation, research, and general case management.
Please contact our Pro Bono Coordinator (volunteer@legalaidtallahassee.org) for more information.
Access to LAF’s Learning Lab
LAF’s Learning Lab includes information critical for our pro bono attorneys including videos with valuable insights into the challenges of representing low-income and vulnerable clients, basic guides to e-filing, sample motions and petitions, and relevant case law links for most case areas.
Please contact our Pro Bono Coordinator (volunteer@legalaidtallahassee.org) for more information about gaining access.
Substantive Area CLE Trainings
The goal of each of the training courses is to give the pro bono attorney the tools to represent a pro bono client in the particular substantive area of law. Family Law CLE sessions are done as part of our Thunderdome Tallahassee Training Program.
Please contact our Executive Director, Carrie Boyd (carrie@legalaidtallahassee.org) for more information about upcoming CLE Trainings.